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The Ethics of (In-)Attention in Contemporary Anglophone Narrative

The Ethics of (In-)Attention in Contemporary Anglophone Narrative
Edited by Jean-Michel Ganteau, Susana Onega

This volume argues that contemporary narratives evince a great deal of resilience by promoting an ecology of attention based on poetic options that develop an ethics of the particularist type. The contributors draw on critical and theoretical literature hailing from various fields: including psychology and sociology, but more prominently phenomenology, political philosophy, analytical philosophy (essentially Ordinary Language Philosophy), alongside the Ethics of Care and Vulnerability. This volume is designed as an innovative contribution to the nascent field of the study of attention in literary criticism, an area that is full of potential. Its scope is wide, as it embraces a great deal of the Anglophone world, with Britain, Ireland, the USA, but also Australia and even Malta. Its chapters focus on well-established authors, like Kazuo Ishiguro (whose work is revisited here in a completely new light) or more confidential ones like Melissa Harrison or Sarah Moss.


May Sinclair in Her Time. Reappraising May Sinclair’s Role in Early-Twentieth-Century Literature and Philosophy

By Leslie De Bont, Isabelle Brasme, Florence Marie

ISBN 978-2-36781-509-1

May Sinclair has been typically considered as a liminal author, positioned between two eras: the 19th and the 20th centuries, Victorian culture and modernism, traditional and avant-garde writing and thinking. As a result, traditional criticism has confined her to the margins of 20th-century literature and philosophy. Re-examining Sinclair’s involvement in the literary and philosophical debates of her time, this collaborative volume seeks to challenge this liminal status and to reassert Sinclair’s role as an author, critic and thinker firmly established within her time. Leading experts in philosophy and in criticism on May Sinclair thus investigate her presence on the literary scene, her dialogues with her contemporaries (e.g. Dorothy Richardson, H.D., Ford Madox Ford and James Joyce) and her engagement with topical issues such as heredity, women’s rights and mysticism, as well as with modernist paradigms such as the epiphany. In light of these new analyses, rather than being uncomfortably situated between two eras, Sinclair emerges as fully in and of her time, engaged in a constant conversation with fellow thinkers, writers, and artists. On a larger scale, this reappraisal of Sinclair’s fruitful connections with her peers invites us to go beyond the conventional divide opposing Victorian and modernist writing, and to participate in the current dynamics in criticism that aims to offer a more inclusive and accurate definition of the intellectual scene in early-20th-century Britain.


Espaces de souveraineté dans les Amériques

Lawrence Aje, Claude Chastagner, eds., Espaces de souveraineté dans les Amériques, Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, 2024.

Les différents États indépendants qui composent l’« Amérique » ont tous été confrontés, à un moment donné de leur histoire, à la nécessité de consolider leur souveraineté en créant des institutions politiques soucieuses d’atténuer les divisions idéologiques et régionales qui auraient pu les fragiliser. La plupart ont mis en place un modèle de gouvernance décentralisé où l’autorité centrale dévolue des pouvoirs aux composantes locales. Mais la souveraineté nationale de ces États-nations a également été mise à l’épreuve par l’ingérence de puissances étrangères. Par ailleurs, la notion de souveraineté ne peut faire l’économie des dynamiques de conquêtes territoriales, de l’esclavage et de la discrimination ethnique et raciale qui en résulte.
Du Canada au Brésil, en passant par les États-Unis, Cuba, le Venezuela, la Colombie et l’Équateur, cet ouvrage propose une réflexion pluridisciplinaire sur la notion de souveraineté et sur les espaces qui en permettent l’expression. Il met, à l’épreuve des faits, les réflexions et questionnements théoriques, explore comment individus, communautés et gouvernements s’opposent sur les conséquences de la mise en œuvre de leur souveraineté respective. Face à ceux qui revendiquent et exercent de façon verticale une souveraineté supérieure, qu’elle soit politique, culturelle ou économique, d’autres s’efforcent, par le droit, la négociation ou la confrontation, de modifier les équilibres établis et de recouvrer la souveraineté dont elles s’estiment dépossédées.

SPECIAL ISSUE: Queering Blackness

Yannick Blec, Anne Crémieux, Queering Blackness, Midwest Popular Culture Association, vol. 12, n° 1, 2024

Editorial Introduction: Beyond Sociodemographics

SPECIAL ISSUE: Queering Blackness

Introduction to the Special Issue

​The Queer Spaces of Black Dance Music

​Everybody Needs a Safe Place: An Interview with Damon Percy

​Whatever Liberation Looks Like, Dance Is One of the Tools: An Interview with Takiyah Nur Amin

​"You Bitches Wouldn't Get It": Queer Ludonarrativity in Lil Nas X's "Late To Da Party (F*CK BET)"

​From Shadows to Spotlight: Exploring Black Queer Aesthetics and Politics in the Works of Lil Nas X and Danez Smith

​Harmony of Self: L'Marco's Ode to Awareness

​Young M.A: Queering Blackness in the Classroom

"I Never Hesitated": A Quare Analysis of Rap Non-Binary Identity in Lil Uzi Vert's 032c Interview

​The Marketing of a Voguing Icon: How Leiomy Maldonado Became the Face of Black Opal’s 2021 Campaign

Quare Representations In Absentia: Non-Binary Black Characterization(s) in Video Games

Queering Lafayette: Adapting and Subverting the Black Sissy Trope in True Blood

The Translation Memoir, Life Writing

Lily Robert-Foley and Delphine Grass (eds), The Translation Memoir, Life Writing, Volume 21, issue 1 2024

This introduction presents the frame and contents of this volume devoted to the translation memoir. The translation memoir is formed at the intersection of life writing and translation studies, in which translators interweave reflections on their practice, craft, texts they translate and positionalities they occupy. As such it is a kind of creative-critical research carried out by translators. It offers a unique entry into texts, languages, cultures and the work of translation. The contributions included in the volume explore the way in which the subject position of writing can be displaced and problematised by inserting the translator's voice and subjectivity into a text, as the translator is precisely the player within a textual ecology who is supposed to not occupy a central position, but reside on the margins, invisible or couched in shadows, speaking only through the voice of another. The writings discussed in this volume, and in some cases the writings themselves, are thus a form of translational experimentation insofar as they break some of the rules, or push the limits of translation as precisely that which is not traditionally considered an original, authored writing. As such it is also a location from which to carry out critiques of other dominant paradigms such as national or gender-based oppressions.

Style and Sense(s)

Editors: Linda Pillière, Sandrine Sorlin

  • Brings together analyses of a wide range of genres and media
  • Showcases pioneering research by upcoming academics and new insights from established scholars
  • Makes a valuable contribution to the broad interdisciplinary study of stylistics

This edited volume celebrates cutting-edge research in stylistics and, more specifically, recent work on sense and the senses. The title originated in the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) 2022 conference and marks the 40th onsite event by showcasing some of the excellent papers delivered on that occasion. The selected chapters fall into 4 parts each of which gives pride of place to how style makes sense and how senses make style. The chapters follow research in neuroscience and sociocognition, investigate how body and mind are inextricably linked through embodied meaning; how emotions are both conveyed and perceived; and how impressions, thoughts and worldviews can be induced by a certain style. The apprehension of the senses is carried through a variety of theories (cognitive linguistics and stylistics, ecostylistics, phenomenology, simulation theory, enactivism, metaphor theory, Text World Theory) and is applied to various genres (poetry, novels, short stories, detectivefiction, restaurant reviews) and media (the oral vs written tradition, ekphrasis, and semiotic transfers). This book will be of interest to students and academics in stylistics, cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis, ecostylistics, and multimodality.


The Pragmatics of Hypocrisy

Editors : Sandrine Sorlin | University Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3 & Tuija Virtanen | Åbo Akademi University

As a first attempt to date, this book addresses the notion of hypocrisy from a pragmatic perspective and devises a comprehensive model of verbal hypocrisy. The studies included adopt emic and etic approaches in order to contribute jointly towards an understanding of what appears to be a ubiquitous and multifaceted phenomenon. Going beyond hypocrisy as a mere moral vice, this volume establishes its pragmatic space and confronts it with adjacent notions which, unlike hypocrisy, have been subject to pragmatic examination. The Pragmatics of Hypocrisy is of interest to students and scholars in pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, rhetoric, communication and media studies, as well as corpus linguistics, and by its transdisciplinary nature, to researchers in philosophy, sociology, and political science. It is also essential reading for anyone interested in the interplay between language, culture and society, across varieties and registers of English.


Table of contents

List of contributors

Part I. Introducing and theorizing hypocrisy
Chapter 1. Introduction to hypocrisy
Sandrine Sorlin and Tuija Virtanen
Chapter 2. A pragmatic model of hypocrisy
Sandrine Sorlin and Tuija Virtanen

Part II. Metapragmatic approaches to hypocrisy
Chapter 3. Politics, religion, and drama: Exploring the metapragmatics of hypocrisy
Mathew Gillings
Chapter 4. “Ding ding ding we have a hypocrite!”: The metapragmatics of verbal hypocrisy in discussion forum interaction
Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen

Part III. Hypocrisy and authenticity in political and public discourse
Chapter 5. Hypocrisy, authenticity, and the rhetorical dynamics of populism
Martin Gill
Chapter 6. Apology as hypocrisy: Examples from Bill Clinton and Donald Trump
Helena Halmari

Part IV. Benign hypocrisy
Chapter 7. Ostensible offers, politeness and sincere hypocrisy
Michael Haugh
Chapter 8. Pretending to pretend: Performing “autohypocrisy” in online discourse
Tuija Virtanen

Part V. The ubiquity of hypocrisy
Chapter 9. The – mostly – brighter side of hypocrisy and the concept of face
Jim O’Driscoll
Chapter 10. A plea for hypocrisy: Pragma-philosophical considerations
Sandrine Sorlin

Part VI. Closing
Chapter 11. An epilogue and note on cross-cultural hypocrisy
Jonathan Culpeper


Home. Les sens d'une maison

J. Feyereisen, R. Gangemi, A. Sepp, D. Houdmont

Collection « PoCoPages » PULM

This book is the result of a critical and collective long-term reflection that originates in the cycle of interuniversity seminars, Home, initiated in Brussels in 2018, around the polysemic aspects and porous borders of the notion of ‘home’. Any attempt at definition raises the question of whether home corresponds to a place, a space, a feeling—in the singularor plural—, to practices or states of being in the world, as well as to its inhabitants, their concrete and symbolic lives, their memories and their class, gender, generational, and racial relations. And we will raise it from the point of view of contemporary literature and arts to better grasp their role in the understanding of a domestic spatiality.

Cet ouvrage est le réceptacle d’une réflexion critique et collective au long cours qui trouve son origine dans le cycle de séminaires interuniversitaires, Home, initié à Bruxelles en 2018, autour des facettes polysémiques et des frontières poreuses de la notion de « home ». Toute tentative de définition pose la question de savoir si home correspond à un lieu, un espace, un sentiment — au singulier ou au pluriel —, à des pratiques ou à des états d’être au monde, ainsi qu’à ses habitants, à leur vie concrète et symbolique, à leur mémoire et à leurs rapports de classe, de genre, de génération et de race. Et nous la poserons à partir de la littérature et des arts contemporains afin d’en comprendre le rôle dans cette appréhension d’une spatialité domestique.

Experimental Translation. The Work of Translation in the Age of Algorithmic Production

By Lily Robert-Foley
ISBN : 9781913380700
Published: February 20, 2024
Publisher: Goldsmiths Press

The history and future of an alternative, oppositional translation practice.

The threat of machine translation has given way to an alternative, experimental practice of translation that reflects upon and hijacks traditional paradigms. In much the same way that photography initiated a break in artistic practices with the threat of an absolute fidelity to the real, machine translation has paradoxically liberated human translators to err, to diverge, to tamper with the original, blurring creation and imitation with cyborg collage and appropriation. Seven chapters reimagine seven classic “procedures” of translation theory and pedagogy: borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation, updating them for the material political and poetic concerns of the contemporary era. Each chapter combines reflections from translation studies and experimental literature with practical guides, sets of experimental translation “procedures” to try at home or abroad, in the classroom, the laboratory, the garden, the dance hall, the city, the kitchen, the library, the shopping center, the supermarket, the train, the bus, the airplane, the post office, on the radio, on your phone, on your computer, and on the internet.

Now You See Her. How Lesbian Culture Won Over America

Now You See Her. How Lesbian Culture Won Over America
Anne Crémieux
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8581-6 eISBN: 978-1-4766-4816-3
Imprint: McFarland

Over the past thirty years, queer women have been coming out of the media closet to enter the mainstream consciousness. This book explores the rise of lesbian visibility since the 1990s with in-depth historical analyses of representation in sports, music, photography, comics, television and cinema. Each chapter is complemented by an interview: soccer player and coach Saskia Webber, singer-songwriter Gretchen Phillips, photographer Lola Flash, cartoonist Alison Bechdel and filmmakers Jamie Babbit and Anna Margarita Albelo discuss the societal transformations that shaped their careers. From the “riot grrrl” movement of the early 1990s punk scene to screen representations of queer culture (The L Word, Orange Is the New Black), this book discusses how lesbian presence successfully infiltrated several patriarchal strongholds, and was transformed in return.



Dernière mise à jour : 16/12/2024