REYNIER Christine

Portrait de creynie2
Statut : 
Enseignant chercheur
Corps : 
CNU : 
Études anglophones
Composante : 
Organisme d’affectation : 
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
Courriel :

Christine Reynier is a specialist of modernist literature. She has published on major modernist writers as well as neglected ones, with a focus on fiction, short fiction and non-fiction. She is also interested in the connections between nineteenth- and early twentieth-century literature.

She is responsible for EMMA's online journal Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens

 Her latest publications include:

Critical edition

Virginia Woolf. Un lieu à soi [A Room of One’s Own]. Traduit et préfacé par Marie Darieussecq. Edition de Christine Reynier. Gallimard, collection Folio classique, 2020; réédition Collection Folio bilingue, 2025..

Latest monograph

Edited journal issues

Essays in refereed journals

  • ‘Modernist Non-fictional Narratives and Beyond’, E-rea 21.1 (2023)
  • ‘Rethinking Modernism with Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Lolly Willowes (1926)’, Etudes anglaises, Klincksieck, 75/3 (juillet-septembre 2022): 312-329.
  • ‘The Exceptional Grandeur of Small Objects: Paul Scott’s Ceramics’, Polysèmes 24 (2020)


Chapters in books

  • “Virginia Woolf’s Radical Vision of Recycling”, Recycling Virginia Woolf in Contemporary Art and Literature, edited by Monica Latham, Caroline Marie and Anne-Laure Rigeade, Preface by Mark Hussey, New York: Routledge, Series Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory, 2022, pp.23-35.DOI: 10.4324/9781003144649-1
  • “Rebecca West’s and David Low’s Intermedial Dialogue with William Hogarth in The Modern ‘Rake’s Progress’ (1934)”, Enduring Presence. William Hogarth’s British and European Afterlives, Book 2: Image into Word, edited by Caroline Patey, Cynthia E. Roman and Georges Letissier, Series Cutural Interactions. Studies in the Relationship between the Arts, Oxford : Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 155-169. DOI: 10.3726/b17869
  • “Winifred Holtby”, academic advisor with Alan Bishop, Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism Series, vol. 405, Gale/Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan, Etats-Unis, 2021.

Dictionary entries

Book reviews

  • Virginia Woolf: Jacob’s Room. 2nd edition. Ed. and Introduced by Urmila Seshagiri (Oxford World’s Classics). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 214 + 3 b/w illustrations. Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Berlin: Verlag, n°261, vol. 176 (2024)
  • Leslie de Bont. Le modernisme singulier de May Sinclair. Paris : Presses universitaires de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2019, in E-rea, 18.1 (2020).
  • Lise Jaillant, Cheap Modernism. Expanding Markets, Publishers’ Series and the Avant-Garde (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017), in Etudes britanniques contemporaines 56, juin 2019.
  • Michael Robertson, The Last Utopians. Four Late Nineteenth-Century Visionaries and their Legacy (Princeton & Oxford: Princeton UP, 2018, 318 pp.), in Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens 89, printemps 2019.

Latest talks

1. ‘Reappraising Leslie Stephen the Moralist in the Light of his Mountaineering Essays’, invited conference, , International Conference ‘Leslie Stephen: Thinking With and Against His Time’, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 24-25 October 2024.

2. ‘Orlando’s Ethical and Aesthetic Principles: Virginia Woolf’s Response to G.E. Moore’, invited conference, Virginia Woolf's Orlando: a Biography. Affirming Liberty’, Université Paris Nanterre, 10 October 2024.

3. At One with the Universe: Sylvia Townsend Warner’s “Environmental” Essays’, Seminar ‘Transformations of the Environment in Victorian, Edwardian and Modernist Essays’, ESSE conference, Lausanne, 26-30 August 2024.

4. ‘Knowledge and Experience in Leslie Stephen’s The Playground of Europe (1871)’, France-Berkeley seminar (12-14 avril 2024), Berkeley, University of California, 13 April 2024.

5.‘From Far from the Madding Crowd to Anderby Wold: Assessing Thomas Hardy’s Influence on Winifred Holtby’s Fiction’, invited conference, International Conference Hardy and Heritage, organised by FATHOM, the French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies, Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, 27-28 October 2023.

6. ‘Short Forms as Vehicles for the Transmission of Knowledge’, invited conference, International Conference Short Forms in the Classroom : breaking down boundaries; European project Short Forms Beyond Borders, Université d’Angers, 10-12 July 2023.

7.Virginia Woolf’s Material Intimacies, Keynote conference, International Conference ‘Virginia Woolf : For a Poetics and Politics of Intimacy’, Université Jean Monnet-St Etienne, ECLLA/SEW, 11-12 may 2023.

8.‘Invisible Novels of the Interwar Period: The Case of Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Lolly Willowes (1926)’, invited, international seminar ‘Invisible Lives’, organized by Guillaume Le Blanc, A. Borrego and H. Lecomte (IhRIM-ENS Lyon, EMMA, LCSP-Paris, Ludwig-Maximilians Universtät München, Duke U, NC, USA, Amsterdam School for Cultutral Analysis), 9 December 2021, online. 

9.‘Rebecca West’s 1930s Essays in Nash’s Pall Mall Magazine’, ESSE (European Society for the Studies of English), Lyon, August 2021, online.

10.“Woolf’s Radical Vision of Recycling”, International Conference Recycling Woolf, Université de Lorraine, 27-29 June 2019. 

11.“The Exceptional Grandeur of Small Objects: Paul Scott’s Ceramics”, SAES/ SAIT, Aix-en-Provence, 6-8 June 2019.

Organisation of seminars and conferences 

22-23 November 2024: France-Berkeley workshop: ‘Literature and forms of knowledge across the long nineteenth century’, organised with Ian Duncan (University of California, Berkeley) together with Nathalie Vnafasse (AMU), Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier3.

26-30 August 2024: Séminar ‘Transformations of the Environment in Victorian, Edwardian and Modernist Essays’, with Dominka Buchowska-Greaves (U. Adam Mickiewicz, Poznań, Pologne) & Bénédicte Coste (U. de Bourgogne), Seminar in Literatures in English (3 sessions), ESSE (European Society for the Study of English), Lausanne.

17-18 June 2024 : EthicHum: Recherche et engagement(s).  Ecole d’été des Ecoles Doctorales 58 et 60, avec Nathalie Blanc.

12-14 April 2024 : ‘Literature and forms of knowledge across the long nineteenth century’. International Doctoral Seminar (EMMA- Berkeley), organised with Ian Duncan. University of California, Berkeley.

19-20 June 2023: EthicHum: Création, art, culture et héritage à l’ère du numérique. Ecole d’été des Ecoles Doctorales 58 et 60, avec Nathalie Blanc.

13-14 Oct 2022: Modernism and Matter. International workshop (EMMA – CIRPall, Université d’Angers), Montpellier3. With Xavier Le Brun.

15 Oct. 2022: ‘Literature and forms of knowledge across the long nineteenth century’. International Doctoral Seminar (EMMA-AMU-Berkeley), organised with Nathalie Vanfasse and Ian Duncan, Montpellier3.

20-21 June 2022: EthicHum. La donnée dans tous ses états: entre contraintes et autonomie. Ecole d’été des Ecoles Doctorales 58 et 60, avec Nathalie Blanc.

13 may 2022: ‘Literature and forms of knowledge across the long nineteenth century’. International Doctoral Seminar (EMMA-AMU-Berkely, organised with Nathalie Vanfasse and Ian Duncan. Online.

8 June 2021: ‘Literature and forms of knowledge across the long nineteenth century’ . International Doctoral Seminar (EMMA-AMU-Berkely, organised with Nathalie Vanfasse and Ian Duncan. Online.

31 August-4 Sept. 2021: Revisiting the periodical essay (1860-1940), séminar co-organised with L. Brake (Birkbec, University of London, UK), B. Coste (Université de Bourgogne) & A. Paterson (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, ESSE (European Society for the Studies of English), Lyon.

17-19 October 2019: Short Fiction as Humble Fiction, an EMMA-ENSFR international conference, Montpellier 3. With J-M. Ganteau.

PhDs supervised and defended

  • Tim Gupwell (ATER Perpignan): ‘D.H. Lawrence, Philosopher?’ . Defended on 16 Decembre 2024.
  • Marie Bertrand (ATER, upvm then Paris-Sorbonne) : ‘The Art of Relating: A Study of Thomas Hardy and D.H. Lawrence's Relational Ontology in their Novels’. Defended on 25 November 2024.
  • Clémence Laburthe-Tholra (contrat doctoral ENS-PSL): ‘The Green Sensibilities of Elizabeth von Armin, Vita Sackville-West, and Rose Macaulay’. Defended on 16 November 2024.
  • Charlotte Chassefière (contrat doctoral upvm3, then ATER upvm3): ‘Prose in Masquerade’ : Manufacturing Identities in the Novelistic Career of Charlotte Dacre (1772-1825)’. Defended on 18 October 2024.
  • Alice Borrego (contrat doctoral ENS-Lyon then ATER Montpellier3):. The Ethics of Fragmentation in state-of-the-nation novels of the 20th and 21st centuries. Defended on 25 November 2023.
  • Laura Lainvae (contrat doctoral fléché upvm, then ATER Caen): ‘A New Eco-logic: Rethinking Modern Identities through the Notions of Humility and Mastery in the Works of Elizabeth Bowen and Samuel Beckett’. Defended on 4 december 2021 (online).
  • Maryam Thirriard (co-supervised with Sophie Vallas, AMU): “’Crafting the New Biography”: Virginia Woolf, Harold Nicolson and Lytton Strachey’. Defended on 12 December 2019.
  • Julie Bénard (co-supervised with Marianne Drugeon, Montpellier3): « L’esthétique de la résistance : la voix et l’image dans l’œuvre de Samuel Beckett (1929-1989) ». Defended on 28 November 2019.
  • Leila Haghshenas: « Ipséité et l’altérité dans l’œuvre littéraire de Leonard Woolf ». Defended on 5 December 2019.


  • Les articles de Virginia Woolf pour le "Times Literary Supplement". , Doctorat Études du monde anglophone , depuis le
  • Expressions du consentement et de l'opposition au modèle de société victorien dans Wuthering Heights, Hard Times, Sybil, Treasure Island, The Sign of Four, The Perils of Certain English Prisoners et The Beach of Falesa , Doctorat Études du monde anglophone , depuis le
  • LABURTHE-TOLRA Clemence,
    Les écrivaines et leurs sensibilités végétales dans la première moitié du XXème siècle: Elizabeth von Arnim, Vita Sackville-West et Rose Macaulay. , Doctorat Études du monde anglophone , depuis le
  • Se (res)sentir humain: la conception de l'être à la croisée du psychique et de l'organique dans les romans de Thomas Hardy et D.H Lawrence. , Doctorat Études du monde anglophone , depuis le
  • CHASSEFIÈRE Charlotte,
    Prose in Masquerade : Manufacturing Identities in the novelistic career of Charlotte Dacre (c. 1772-1825) , Doctorat Études du monde anglophone , depuis le

Thèses 2023-2024


·   Clémence Laburthe-Tholra (contrat doctoral ENS-PSL): « De la littérature à la botanique : les sensibilités végétales du Bloomsbury Group » (inscription 2021)

·         Mehdi Slama : « Expressions du consentement et de l'opposition au modèle de société victorien dans Wuthering Heights, Hard Times, Sybil, Treasure Island, The Sign of Four, The Perils of Certain English Prisoners et The Beach of Falesá » (inscription 2021)

- Marie Bertrand (ATER Paris-Sorbonne) : « Se (res)sentir humain : la conception de l’être à la croisée du psychique et de l’organique dans les romans de Thomas Hardy et D.H Lawrence » (inscription 2020).

- Charlotte Chassefière (contrat doctoral upvm): « L'altération dans l’œuvre de Charlotte Dacre » (inscription 2019)

- Tim Gupwell: ‘D.H. Lawrence, Philosopher?’ (ATER U. Perpignan, inscription 2018)

- Alice Borrego (contrat doctoral ENS): « (Esth)éthique de la fragmentation dans les ‘state-of-the-nation novels’ du XXe et XXIe siècles. » (soutenue en 2023)

  • Laura Lainvae (contrat doctoral fléché upvm, puis ATER Caen): “A New Eco-logic: Rethinking Modern Identities through the Notions of Humility and Mastery in the Works of Elizabeth Bowen and Samuel Beckett” (soutenue en 2021)