Colloque "Foreign Bodies: Becoming Apart, Becoming a Part in Contemporary Literature"

Jeudi, 12. octobre 2023 - 9:30 - Vendredi, 13. octobre 2023 - 18:30
Salle des Colloques 2 à l’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 - Site Saint-Charles -

International conference EMMA (EA741) : "Foreign Bodies: Becoming Apart, Becoming a Part in Contemporary Literature"

12-13 0ctober, 2023
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier3 - Site Saint Charles

Organizers: Katia Marcellin and Carine Nibakure

Keynote speakers: Professor Catherine Bernard (Université Paris-Cité) and Harry Parker (author of Anatomy of a Soldier and Hybrid Humans)



The aim of this conference is to explore the political and representational experimentations of contemporary writers who question processes of belonging and exclusion. We will welcome papers focusing on (but not limited to) the ways in which contemporary literature addresses some of the following questions:

  • becoming a part of / apart from geopolitical entities (Brexit, migration, refugee crisis, wars in and outside of Europe).
  • being a part/apart in relation to borders 
  • belonging to / exclusion from the social body (social invisibility, material dispossession, norms of intelligibility)
  • forced belonging through surveillance
  • ethics and alterity
  • what becomes part of the body, what grows apart from it (disability, hybridity, monstrosity, enhanced bodies, posthumanism)
  • immunity and contamination
  • trauma as an “internal foreign body”
  • loss and mourning: accommodating absence and “apartness”
  • literary forms and formal experimentations: the aesthetics of the fragment
  • literary “foreign bodies” (intertextuality, archives…)
  • representation and representativeness: realism as a “slice” of reality
  • metonymy (metonymic, synecdochic and metaleptic relations)

Proposals of up to 300 words in English, together with a biographical note, should be sent to Katia Marcellin ( and Carine Nibakure ( by 15 June 2023. 


Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023