Humanities Exploratory Workshops
Re-Valuing Aestheticism And Modernism Through Their (dis)credited Figures. Aesthetics, Ethics And Economics 1860-1940.
ESF Exploratory Workshop - HUM (formerly SCH)
Convened by: Christine Reynier (FR), Bénédicte Coste (FR), Catherine Delyfer (FR)
Location: 1-5 October 2013, Montpellier, France
Aestheticism and Modernism. (Dis)connections .(Dis)credited figures. Aesthetics, Ethics and Economics. Nineteenth-century legacy .
Focusing on the period 1860-1940, our project means to re-examine historiographical assumptions about two major British literary movements, Aestheticism and Modernism, so as to highlight the (dis)connections between them. This approach has two important consequences. First of all, one is led to broaden the attention from a few icons to a wider number of actors who played a significant, if often unacknowledged, role in shaping the writing of the period. Secondly, our approach foregrounds contextual analysis and cross-disciplinary study, in order to illuminate the philosophic, economic and political fabric of Aestheticism and Modernism.
In 2017, a publication followed:
Reconnecting Aestheticism and Modernism. Edited with an introduction by B. Coste, C. Delyfer and C. Reynier, New York: Routledge, 2017.
Dernière mise à jour : 09/01/2024