Unité de recherche :
Axe de recherche : "L'invention de l'autre"
Domaine de recherche : roman britannique, XX° & XXI° siècles, fragmentation, éthique, responsabilité, vulnérablité, précarité.
Thèse sous la direction de Christine Reynier: "The Aesthetics and Ethics of Fragmentation in State-of-the-Nation novels of the 20th and 21st centuries."
- Master Recherche Parcours Etudes Anglophones - ENS de Lyon (2017)
- Master Professionnel Enseignement - Langues Vivantes, Anglais - ENS de Lyon (2016)
- Agrégation externe anglais (2016)
- 15-16th October 2020: "Invisible Lives, Silent Voices in the British Literature, Arts and Culture of the 20th and 21st centuries." International Online Conference, co-organised with Héloïse Lecomte (ENS Lyon, IRHIM). With the support of EMMA, IRHIM, ED58, ED3LA.
Membre de comités d'organisation
- 17-19 octobre 2019 (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3) : colloque international « Humble Fiction as Short Fiction » organisé par EMMA (Etudes Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone) et ENSFR (European Network for Short Fiction Research).
- 2nd-4th December 2020: "Precarity and Privilege in State-of-the-nation Novels. Anatomy of a Fragmented Body Politic”, International Conference "The Poetics of Precarity", KU Leuven, Belgium.
- 29th-31st January 2020: "‘Britain had become a country of winners and losers’: John Lanchester’s Capital or the Crippling Power of Neoliberalism.”, International Conference "Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures", Organised by Challenging Precarity: A Global Network and the University of Tor Vergata, Rome.
- 6-8th June 2019: "Against the norm: exception as a disruptive force in Rebecca West’s The Return of the Soldier", SAES Annual Congress, Aix-en-Provence.
- 10-12th April 2019: "State-of-the-nation novels as political fantasies: a call for transformation.", Workshop Realities and Fantasies, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis.
- Upcoming: "The Collapse of Responsibility: Staging Fragmented Communities in State-of-the-nation Novels."
Otherness: Essays and Studies 7.3 . Coordinated by Aarhus University. - June 2020: "’The time has come for a new word’: Katherine Mansfield’s Literary Ethics.". E-rea 17.2. Web.
- March 2020: "Against the Norm: Exception as a Disruptive Force in Rebecca West’s The Return of the Soldier." Études britanniques contemporaines 58. Web.
- March 2020: "Is Social Equality Utopian? Class Division in Britain." in Thompson, Jean-Max (ed). Headlines: Lire la presse anglophone. Paris: Ellipses.
- November2018: "A fascinating transparency: Strazza’s Veiled Virgin", France Culture. Translation of Claire Barbillon’s (Head of the Ecole du Louvre) with Hélène Combis for France Culture. Web.